I just finished my first week as a full-time data scientist at Microsoft, and it’s been a lot of fun! I went back to the same team under Rob Mauceri called COSINE (Core OS and Intelligent Edge) that I had the pleasure of interning at, but under a new manager this time.

The new team works primarily on Windows Feedback Hub, which is a place where users can submit feedbacks (bugs, feature suggestions, etc) to Microsoft on Windows and other Microsoft products. It’s also a smaller team, which allows for more 1-on-1 time with my manager and closer collaboration with other data scientists, always a good thing for a new employee!

I will be working with a senior data scientist to improve the routing and classification of submitted feedbacks so that Microsoft can better listen to its customers. The work will be mostly in the NLP space, although there’s always room for side projects with other applications.

Also coming up next week is a 1-week Azure Boot Camp for new engineers at Microsoft. I know many other tech companies also do something similar, and I think it’s great that Microsoft has joined as well. Should be quite a learning experience, as Azure is a very complicated product!

Finally, I added my MS data science program capstone project to the projects section of the website. I will update it when our project is complete, but right now it links to the Github repo if anyone is interested in seeing our current progress :) My teammate Nimisha (who is also joining Microsoft in the Bing team after graduation) gave a great presentation on her portion of the pipeline and deep learning applications at Metis data science meetup earlier this week. I hope to present as well in the near future, when I find some time to finally put together a talk.
